Monday, September 11, 2006

I Have a New Name!

Dianna. Maybe it is Diana. I don't know, but that is what I'm called now. Why won't my son call me Mom???
Night's new show is Martin Mystery. Never trust a three year old to tell you the plot of a show... This is what I know: Martin fights monsters with his slime watch and saves the girls. Diana is not one of the girls that Martin saves. She fights too, along with Java (not Jabba-he's from Star Wars). Keira has become Java in our household, and Josh is Martin too (or maybe Martin 2, like Spiderman 2).
Oh, and there is a little green alien guy. I can't remember his name, but Scully (the dog) has become the little alien guy.
Tune into Martin Mystery. Highly recommended by the boys in my an added bonus, Yours Truly is one of the main characters! Can't resist, can you??

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