Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Little Things That Make Me Happy

*In no particular order-just how I think of them!

-Keira leans on me to cuddle.
-The local grocery store is going out of business and there are DEALS to be had!
-Josh cleaned the whole kitchen last night!
-Night asks, "Can you be with me?" (although I don't always want to watch Spiderman for the 100th time, it is nice to be wanted)
-My animals cuddle with me at night.
-Night calls me Mom
-I've got most of the "high scores" in Brain Age (gameboy)
-Seeing the video of Keira saying cheese
-Having a shitload of work to do here at the office, yet taking time to blog
-I get to go home for lunch
-Having a loving and supportive husband, even though I don't deserve him

Okay. Break is over. More work to do before lunch. I'm thankful for more things, I just need to keep working so this job doesn't become one of the things I am no longer thankful for...


Anna said...

Of COURSE you deserve him!! Why wouldn't you?! You idiot!

Unknown said...

I love you, Anna Jane. Sometimes I just feel like he is a better spouse to me than I am to him. I have my stupid weird "downtimes" and he puts up with them without even mentioning them. He does so much for me that I don't feel like I could ever repay him.

spartickes said...

You could start by not telling the entire free world that you kick my ass at Brain Age! At least you could balance it out by telling everyone how hard I rock at Mario Kart! I love you dear!

Unknown said...

Ok. My husband is the ruler of Mario Kart (and Mario Party), however, I do beat him at most other games...

spartickes said...

Dammit Mari.

Unknown said...

Very eloquent, Josh...

Anna said...

I bet I can kick both of your asses on Donkey Kong (vintage edition!)

Kat Coble said...

I'm sure you do deserve him. Why wouldn't you?

Also, which grocery store is GOOB down there?

Unknown said...

Southern Family Markets is going out of business here in Franklin. They had a full parking lot when I went by at lunchtime. Everything in the store is 40% off, except milk. Some items are 50% off. There is a sign that says state law won't let them discount milk...weird, huh? I would think beer would be on the list...but I didn't see any beer, so maybe they got rid of it before they started the sale.