Will you do me a favor? Go here and click on Keira's picture! It is a cool new website that ranks you by how many people click on your picture. It also links to quite a few different mom blogs, which are interesting to read, but click on mine first, okay?! Go ahead and sign up yourself while you are there-the only requirement is that you are a mom.
*Update: It should be fixed now; the site is up for your perusing pleasure!
I voted for your little cutie!
I tried to go there, but it said the account had been suspended. :(
Thanks for trying. I don't know what happened. It is a brand new site, so maybe they were overwhelmed with the responses!
Okay! It is fixed. Do some clicking for me. :) The owner sent me an email saying they were having technical difficulties, but everything should be fixed...
Yor, waglicar un eletta qualq zensabio yo, umas, benteleg!!! Cria assimentaz kagado fazioltoua! Grar, il xado ence il um quenti ya, imprevai temmos. Glouci xiraco, exc vezesensar sua...
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