Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Easy Explanation

Night is, of course, excited about Christmas. We've made the distinction between Christmas time (now till Dec 25th) and Christmas Day (Dec 25th). He asked me why it can't be Christmas Day now. I told him it couldn't be Christmas Day because there are still rings on his paper chain. His response? "Oh. Okay."

Easy! He tears off one ring right before bed each night.

I wish he gave up that easily with everything. He sure does ask a lot of questions!!


Anonymous said...

We got an Advent calendar to help with the waiting of Christmas. So Becca gets a chocolate a day and that seems to slow down the impatience a little!

It is hard because I am almost as excited as she is!!!

Anna said...

I love the chain idea! Supermom!

Unknown said...

I TOLD you I am a Superhero! I usually go by Spidergirl, but Supermom is one of my many aliases...