Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Okay-you know that I am a sucker for a good deal, right? (Well, I am.) I love "cheating" the system and saving money. It isn't really cheating. It is legal and everything. Anyway, there is a website that has a list of coupon codes so you can get a discount on stuff. I love discounts!
Josh and I use all the time! When they are having a good discount (like 70% off --right now!!), you can save sooo much money. We spent $3 at and got $25 worth of food at the local Mexican restaurant. You have to pay attention to the "rules" for each restaurant. Ours was easy-just make sure you tip the server 20% of original total and get two drinks (hello-margaritas!). I don't think that they had to be alcoholic, but anything for the rules, right?! Even without the coupon, you can get $25 for $10, not bad, but not as great as with the coupon!!
The coupon codes website also has discounts for lots and lots of different stores: Best Buy, Target, The Container Store, Best Deal Magazines, etc...

Happy Shopping!

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