Friday, January 12, 2007

I Don't Need No Stinkin Job

I'm just going to exploit my daughter. She's going to be the next American Idol! She is singing "Manamana" by Cake from the For The Kids compilation CD.

It's a really cool CD. It has popular adult bands like Barenaked Ladies and Tom Waits. I highly recommend it for parents because you don't have to listen to stupid kids singing all the time, but they are still songs that kids like.

That's just my opinion, though. You can do whatever you want.


Overwhelmed! said...

How cute is that! What a fun little video clip. I might have to check out this CD. :)

Thanks for sharing. And thanks for stopping by to comment on my WFMW Strawberry Spinach salad post! I do appreciate it!

Anna said...

I love it, and I love that she has learnt how to use the headphones!! Must make your life easier.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad my kids are past the kid music phase! But then again, they are just beginning the pop music phase...